.14 Cents

James Kruse
2 min readApr 14, 2022


“Notice of removal from Medium’s Partner Program.”

Thanks. Its nice to be evolved in a constantly changing social media site that only cares about its profits. Screw helping small creators or learning writers.

Medium : a condition or environment in which something may function or flourish.

Flourish? How?

This may sound like sour grapes, but not everyone wants a million “Followers”. God why. I made .14 cents that went somewhere out there, just after Medium.com kicked me out of their so-called “partnership program”. Thanks. Thanks a lot guys. Where’s the partnership? At least with my other writing sites, they email me once a year to say happy birthday, and tell me how I’m doing, and maybe a few ideas to improve my shit. But Medium is not interested in me, or anyone else that I know, maybe some high-marketed bloggers that already have an audience.

How nice would it have been to get a word or two, even if it was a criticism. In this madding world of bust your ass, kiss our ass and hope we toss you a bone, I say, welcome everyone to the Google/Youtube, we own everything so we can do what ever we want dictatorship. We don’t help anyone but ourselves. And if anyone at Medium ever read this, they would disagree. You see, they are one person, who’s inbox and social contacts would dwarf the country of Russia, so to them, they are helping everyone, they are loved, and completely ass-kissed by the best of the best. So, .14, is that the worth of my work? Nope. Will it ever matter? Nope. And that’s fine. When I die, my kids can come and read all about their dad, maybe it will be a comfort to them. Unless Medium decides my .2 MGs of data are costing them too much to store. Please let me know? You can keep the .14 cents if you can find it.


