Not Today

James Kruse
2 min readAug 11, 2019

I don’t give a shit where Jeffrey Epstein is.

Knowing full well that the right people will never read this, it remains a steadfast truth that we are all watching this circus freak show. That I am writing my drivel concerning the circus that is America right now pisses me off to no end.

Do not write to me and tell me what to do, or say or think, that I am less of a patriot because I refuse to be baited into arguments that have no end. This shit just keeps going on and on, anger, hostility and righteous indignation.

This mad circus has one big, disgusting difference. We are the sideshow and they are watching us. If you can’t see that, well, I am truly sorry.

You and I, (no matter who we choose), are in the big red circle in the center of their circus tent. They watch us from the stands and laugh, point and cheer. They throw us nuggets of bullshit disguised as news and watch us react, yell, scream, and hurt our fellow Americans. They want us to fight and forget who we fucking are.

Not Today. And not tomorrow either.

Because I do not care what happened to Jeffrey Epstein, and if you do, then enjoy being in their show. I hope you like circus peanuts.

This group says HE did it, others say SHE did it, it's all a great big conspiracy that will fizzle out, only to be replaced in big news headlines just a quick, with another grand display to attract us back to their circus. Well, I’m done.

A tree grows if its roots run deep. It will weather the fires and storms, outlive us all, and never move its feet. We all have our roots too, with a great investment of time and resources to raise us to be adults, capable of nurturing the next generation.

But hey, I forgot who I was. For a moment. We all have. I forgot the power of what IS planted in me. It is also in you if you have read this far.

Before you cross the street.

Stop. Look. Listen. Hold hands.

Say please and thank-you

Say you're sorry.

Eat a cookie and have a damn nap with me, America.

  • JK

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